C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage – Michael Brown
Michael Brown of C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage has recently stepped away from operating the payday loan business he started in 2003 to begin working with Texas CSO’s as they become “CAB’s” or Credit Access Businesses. Michael has made it a priority to learn as much as there is to know about the rules that Credit Access Businesses will be asked to abide by starting in 2012, and he wants to share that information with you. From there, it is his goal to begin laying the groundwork for your business’s transition, and a long term relationship.
Ultimately C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage has the goal of meeting your needs beyond Compliance. Can we help you raise Capital? Do you want to sell off your collections portfolios? We will also fight against government regulations and negative public perception. C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage wants the passage of the Credit Access Business laws to signify the beginning of the newest and best chapter in the life cycle of your company. Contact Michael and let him share with you how he envisions making that happen. Reach him directly at 214-293-8676, or via email at cabconbrokerage@gmail.com.
Focus Areas:
Licensing – if you are a CSO in Texas you are going to need a new license. Do you want to know what C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage knows and do you want help getting a new Credit Access Business license?
Compliance – there are several new requirements that you need to be aware of in the way of disclosures to customers, and notices to customers. Do you want to know what they are and have you thought about getting assistance with implementing the necessary changes? (step-by-step planning, store and website corrections, owner training, and employee training)
Capital – do you need Capital for growth? Do you need a third party lender? C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage has at least two parties that want to fund loans through your CSO / CAB – right now!
Collections – C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage is allied with a very effective Collections company and they would like to have a chance to collect on some of your bad debt, or just buy it from you outright.
Association – C.A.B. is launching an Association for small to mid-size payday loan business owners that will be unlinke anything that has been done before.
Community Action – the Association will battle negative public perception, impact potential negative legislation, and make contributions to community in the form of education and money.
Competition – the Association’s programs will help consumers with more than just loans. An array of innovative programs will give your customers the opportunity to help themselves, make processes more convenient, and help consumers feel better about the relationship they have with their payday lender.