Improving your Third Party Lender Arrangement

Improving your Third Party Lender Arrangement

by The CAB Man Texas on July 30, 2012

If you already are one, or if you are laying the groundwork for becoming a Credit Access Business in Texas, consider cementing your Third Party Lender component with more than a handshake.  It goes without saying that we need to invest in proper consumer loan documentation and operating software.  We should also do the same with our approach to the Third Party Lender relationship.

Now that the OCCC is closely examining many facets of the CAB as it operates, it is critical that you have a clear arrangement between your business and the Third Party Lender who issues loans through your CAB location.

Do you know that many CAB’s have written contracts which serve as the operating policy between them and the Third Party Lender?  It is important that the CAB invests in this written company policy, and that it can be produced upon request.  Do what you can to have a well rounded agreement in place as means to demonstrate your commitment to operating lawfully and fairly.  Gain confidence in your readiness for an OCCC examination.  Operating reports that echo your Third Party Lender Agreement are an intelligent addition to a well designed arrangement.  CAB Consulting and Brokerage is working with licensed Credit Access Businesses and Third Party Lenders in Texas in these matters.

We can assist you in a review and improvement of your Third Party Lender arrangement.  Feel free to contact Michael Brown at CAB Consulting and Brokerage at 214-293-8676 or to learn more.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Kevin May 10, 2017 at 6:38 pm

I am a chief general counsel (both contract and salaried) for a CAB operating in Texas. I am considering, and the CAB is willing if it is done correctly, to also be a lender to the CAB. Do you know any regulations, I cant seem to find any, that discuss what the nature of the relationship can not have as far as being independent. No authority on decision in business control matters….no authority on decision in who gets loans and who does not. Seems to me a properly drafted agreement would make all concerns disappear


The CAB Man Texas May 10, 2017 at 6:50 pm

Hello Kevin – that might be too close of a relationship being that you are employed by the CAB. You can always reach out to Sam Arora at Coats Rose Law Firm – they would be able to really dig in with you on the subject from a legal standpoint. Here is a link to his bio:

Very glad to see you visiting my site and would be happy to talk with you anytime my # is: 214-293-8676. Best – Michael B.


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City Ordinance is shot down in Lubbock.

City Ordinance is shot down in Lubbock.

by The CAB Man Texas on February 10, 2017

Some very positive news came out of Lubbock with the City Council voting down the “Payday Loan Ordinance” by a vote 5 to 2.  Credit Access Business owners all across Texas were impressed by Lubbock’s push back of the liberal backed City Ordinance.  Ordinances across Texas have shut down over 40% of Credit Access Businesses in the last several years.  

Rates have increased as CABs have fought to survive the ordinances, access to credit for consumers who need it most has decreased.  The ordinance issue just another reminder that liberals meddling with small businesses and the passage of more regulation ends up hurting the consumer they say they are trying to protect.  

We have quite a lengthy set of rules and regulations that govern Credit Access Businesses in Texas.  And, the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner does an effective job at overseeing Credit Access Businesses.  Let the conversation about “payday” stay at the Capitol and trust in the statewide legislative process.

This blog post was written by Michael Brown, President of CAB Consulting and the Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers.  He can be reached at 214-293-8676, or

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Kennesaw State Study on Payday Industry

Kennesaw State Study on Payday Industry

by The CAB Man Texas on December 11, 2014

This week a study on the payday industry was released by Professor Jennifer L. Priestley at Kennesaw State University. This is exactly what we need more of – a close look at large amounts of actual data and statistics on use of payday loans and their array of impacts on consumers.

Opponents of the payday industry, with the help of the media, utilize emotional arguments and very small samples of information to cast a negative light on the industry and those who operate within it.

Let’s stick to the bottom line and the best way to get there is with numbers! See below for actual text from the PR Newswire Release from December 9th, 2014. Also, within the body of the article you will see the link to the actual paper itself.

KENNESAW, Ga., Dec. 9, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — A new study conducted by a Kennesaw State University professor casts doubt on the claims of payday loan critics that extended refinancing of these loans are harmful to consumers’ financial welfare.

The study, which was commissioned by the Consumer Credit Research Foundation and based on the transactions of 37,000 borrowers over a four-year period, also found that borrowers who live in states with fewer refinancing restrictions fare better than those in more heavily regulated states.

“We have, for the first time, actual scientific data on the outcomes from different rollover patterns to inform an important policy issue,” said Jennifer L. Priestley, professor of applied statistics and data science in Kennesaw State University’s College of Science and Mathematics, and author of the study. “Our research fills a gap in the science of how consumers respond to protracted use of payday loans. All prior regulatory interventions had been based on the presumption of harm, not actual evidence; and we now have real evidence that contradicts those views.”

Key findings from the report include:
• Borrowers who engaged in protracted refinancing (“rollover”) activity had better financial outcomes (measured by changes in credit scores) than consumers whose borrowing was limited to shorter periods.
• Borrowers experienced a net positive financial welfare impact when they faced fewer regulatory restrictions on rollovers. State-law limitations on rollovers appeared to contribute to adverse changes in credit scores for borrowers.

“This study contributes to a growing body of literature which shows that payday loans may not only fail to harm borrowers, but may actually contribute to an improvement in borrower welfare,” said Priestley. “The absence of adverse outcomes from protracted borrowing must be considered by regulators and policymakers as they mull restrictions on use of short-term credit. Further study of actual consumer outcomes is needed before the imposition of new regulatory rollover restrictions.”

Priestley is also the director of Kennesaw State’s Center for Statistics and Analytical Services, which was established in 2011. The Center provides analytical support to the university, business and government communities of Atlanta and North Georgia. Earlier this year, Kennesaw State was recognized for innovation and real-world use of expanding technology by the editors of ComputerWorld in its annual Data+ Editors’ Choice Awards.

Priestley holds a B.S. in Economics from Georgia Institute of Technology, an MBA from Pennsylvania State University, and a Ph.D. from Georgia State University. She has also held positions at MasterCard, VISA and Accenture.

To review the complete paper, visit:

Kennesaw State University is the third-largest university in Georgia, offering 100 graduate and undergraduate degrees, including doctorates in education, business and nursing and a Ph.D. in international conflict management. A member of the University System of Georgia, Kennesaw State is a comprehensive, residential institution with a growing student population of nearly 26,000 from 130 countries.

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Statement from Texas Payday and Auto Title Loan Business Owners on Current Legislation

Statement from Texas Payday and Auto Title Loan Business Owners on Current Legislation

by The CAB Man Texas on May 9, 2013


May 8, 2013


CAB Consulting represents the small to mid-sized Credit Access
Businesses in Texas. This group, which is roughly 10% of the
market, supports the Chairmen in their efforts to protect
consumers and also understands that Consumer Protection is
critical for the long-term viability of our businesses. As the
“mom and pop’s” of the industry providing access to credit when
consumers need it most, we are dedicated to friendly,
convenient, and flexible service for each customer in our
storefronts across Texas.

Michael Brown stated, “Our group of owner operated Credit Access
Businesses has not come to Austin empty handed, we have intensely
worked this process with sincere intent and have brought specific
examples of how pending legislation would have multiple lethal
consequences for consumers and the industry. As well, we are
laying the groundwork for a compliance program called Borrow
Smart that will improve Texas’ Credit Access Businesses in many

The record shows a very small number of complaints exist for the
industry when compared to others. Please refer to the Office of
the Credit Consumer Commissioner’s annual report, which shows
only 282 complaints out of roughly 3.5 million transactions. Of
those 282 complaints only 2 remain unresolved. This complaint
ratio translates to a percentage of 0.0000805714.

These statistics were part of the record in last week’s House
Committee on Investments and Financial Services’ hearing on SB
1247. During the hearing Consumer Advocacy groups were questioned
by legislators on whether there is a sufficient problem to warrant
such aggressive legislation at this time.

Along with CSAT, the small to mid-size Credit Access Business
owners remain committed to working within the legislative process
to pass a bill that supports meaningful, effective, and realistic


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El Paso City Council Ok’s City Attorney to Draft Ordinance

El Paso City Council Ok’s City Attorney to Draft Ordinance

by The CAB Man Texas on December 7, 2012

Yesterday in El Paso, the City Council unanimously voted to proceed with enacting an ordinance to regulate Payday and Auto Title Loan businesses. The Council asked the City Attorney to draft the ordinance and it could be approved by January. This will be the 4th such ordinance in Texas, if it is ultimately put into effect.

As of today we know of ordinances in Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin. I believe that each of the cities are entangled in legal proceedings brought against them by CAB’s.

Some of the details of the proposed El Paso ordinance are:
• Require lenders to provide borrower’s with financial counseling information.
• Payday loans would not be allowed for more than 20% of the borrower’s monthly income.
• Auto Title Loans would be limited to 3% of the borrower’s annual income.
• Auto Title Loans would also be limited to no more than 70% of the vehicle value.
• Installment loans would be limited to no more than 4 installments, refinances would be limited to 3.
• CAB’s would be asked to register with the City of El Paso.
• Would go into effect in July 2013.

It is curious that the effective date is July 2013. I am thinking that the City of El Paso knows that there will be activity in the Texas Legislature regarding CAB operating rules and city ordinances. Consider the additional compliance burdens on licensed CAB’s with locations in cities with ordinances. Is it reasonable to ask any business to manage compliance to Federal, State, and now City regulations too?

As an industry, we need to dig our heels in on the local ordinances. 2012 has been a good year for CAB’s under the new licensing and we have demonstrated our good faith, desire to operate legally and fairly. Let the State of Texas handle this and keep the cities out of it. The Texas Finance Commission has expressed its position on the ordinances, and they indicated that an improvement on this problem was needed. So, it is my opinion that the version of the El Paso ordinance that was unveiled may not make it to July 2013. Something different might end up being put in place, or perhaps nothing at all after the session.

If you are interested in learning more, I am working with my contacts in El Paso and Austin to gather additional information on how to play a part in the fight against the ordinances. Will know more soon, the session starts next month and the El Paso bill is slated to be formally introduced on December 19th.

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