Just a reminder for all of you CABs out there – continually review your Consumer Transaction Information Disclosures & Fee Schedules.
Many times throughout the course of the year CAB operators may change their CAB fee amounts or offer different loan products such as offering multi-payment installment loans, payday loans, or auto title loans. When changes are made and loan products are dropped, added, or modified, we have seen the Fee Schedule & Consumer Transaction Information Disclosures be overlooked.
Take the time to ensure that your Consumer Transaction Information Disclosures & Fee Schedule are up to date with all of the products you are offering. This is on the OCCC Examiner Checklist and Examiners will call you out on this. Be an “A” student and get it right.
Additionally, per Texas Administrative Code 83.5004, if changes are made to your Fee Schedule or Consumer Transaction Information Disclosure, preceded versions must be maintained on site for a period of one year or until the next OCCC examination.
Here is the exact language regarding the retention of amended Fee Schedules & Consumer Transaction Information Disclosures:
For In-Store Transactions:
“In-store fee schedule and notices. The in-store fee schedule and notices required by Texas Finance Code, §393.222(a), and §83.6003(a) of this title must be available for inspection by the OCCC in a conspicuous location visible to the general public. If a licensee amends the in-store fee schedule or notices, it must maintain documentation of the previous versions of the schedule or notices for one year from the date of amendment or until the next examination by OCCC staff, whichever is later. The licensee may maintain the documentation of previous in-store fee schedules and notices at a centralized location other than the licensed location or branch office. In this case, the documentation must be maintained for one year from the date of amendment or until the OCCC’s next examination of the centralized location, whichever is later. However, upon the OCCC’s request, the licensee must have the ability to promptly obtain or access copies of the complete documentation so that the OCCC can examine it.”
For Online Transactions:
“Website and online disclosures. If a licensee maintains a website, it must make the website available to the OCCC for inspection. The website must include a fee schedule to show the licensee’s compliance with §83.6003(b) of this title, and applicable consumer disclosures to show the licensee’s compliance with §83.6007(f) of this title. If a licensee amends the website’s fee schedule, consumer disclosures, or method of accessing the fee schedule or consumer disclosures, the licensee must maintain documentation of the previous version of the website to show compliance with §83.6003(b) of this title and §83.6007(f) of this title. This must include the home page, any pages used in accessing the fee schedule and disclosures, and copies of the previously used fee schedule and disclosures. The licensee must maintain this documentation for one year from the date of amendment or until the next examination by OCCC staff, whichever is later. This paragraph does not require a licensee to maintain previously used pages of the website that were not the home page or pages used in accessing the fee schedule and consumer disclosures. The licensee may maintain the documentation of previous versions of the website at a centralized location other than the licensed location or branch office. In this case, the documentation must be maintained for one year from the date of amendment or until the OCCC’s next examination of the centralized location, whichever is later. However, upon the OCCC’s request, the licensee must have the ability to promptly obtain or access copies of the complete documentation so that the OCCC can examine it.”
This blog post was written by Michael Brown, President of CAB Consulting and the Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers. He can be reached at 214-293-8676, or Michael@CreditAccessBusiness.com.