
Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers (“TOFSC”) Conference is 9/14

Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers (“TOFSC”) Conference is 9/14

by The CAB Man Texas on August 11, 2016

Today invitations to the 5th Annual TOFSC Conference are being sent out to Members, Sponsors, and Vendors, requesting their attendance starting at 10am on Wednesday 9/14.

We have chosen the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines for the venue this year, which is situated 20 minutes east of the Austin Bergstrom Airport near an 1,100 acre nature park called McKinney Roughs.

It is going to be a great setting and as always a great occasion for us to build relationships and do some learning.  Members are already sending in their attendance forms.  See below for links to the forms:

For Members: TOFSC.Conference.Invite.2016.Members

For Vendors / Sponsors: TOFSC Conference Invite 2016- Vendors

If you have any questions call or email Michael Brown, President of TOFSC, at 214-293-8676, or email him at: Michael@CreditAccessBusiness.com.

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Examinations by the OCCC – show them you are tuned in!

Examinations by the OCCC – show them you are tuned in!

by The CAB Man Texas on August 6, 2012

Over the last 7 months CAB’s in Texas have evolved from a non-regulated space into the new CAB environment.  The OCCC has implemented its new way of doing things and there have been a few surprises along the way.

As a licensed Credit Access Business who has committed to learning the laws and made it a priority to study the rules outlining compliance, you are well on your way.   Do you have 100% confidence in how you have implemented Credit Access Business rules in your stores?  Have you talked with other friendly competitors about how they interpret the rules?   If you did, you might know that a preliminary round of OCCC examinations was performed.  There was some industry “buzz” from those examinations that gave many of us more of an idea of what’s to be expected.  The OCCC has been great to work with so far, for example what many would call their visits to your store an “OCCC audit”, they call an “examination.”  Seems to like a softer and friendlier term…

A commitment to gaining knowledge, operating legally, operating fairly, and exchanging information with peers is key to building confidence and securitizing your business.   So, how exactly might that be done?  Contact CAB Consulting and Brokerage!  We have created plans for our clients that create a simple approach to OCCC compliance.  CAB Consulting and Brokerage’s relationships across also put it in an ideal position to communicate recent developments and pass the latest “buzz” to your business.

Show the OCCC that your Credit Access Business is tuned in when their examination of your business goes smoothly and without any surprises.  Be an ideal CAB and get informed – make the OCCC’s job easy!   Start by contacting CAB Consulting and Brokerage to discuss how we might be able to go to work for you.  Reach Michael Brown at 214-293-8676 or via email at michael@creditaccessbusiness.com.

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CFSA and Advance America file suit to end Operation Choke Point

CFSA and Advance America file suit to end Operation Choke Point

by The CAB Man Texas on June 6, 2014

Today in the news it came out that CFSA and Advance America filed suit to end Operation Choke Point.  Many CAB clients have endured a direct hit and have lost their deposit accounts with banks such as Wells Fargo.

The bad news that the depository account was being closed usually came in a very bland statement like this:  “Wells Fargo is no longer doing business with companies in your industry.”  No explanation as to why, only a letter and a deadline for the CAB to make other banking arrangements.

I am pleased to see that formal legal action is being taken to terminate this tactic from being employed any longer.  See the attachments for detailed information on what Operation Choke Point is, and for more details on the suit!

CFSA and Advance America File Lawsuit To End Operation Choke PointCommitte on

Oversight and Government Reform_Staff Report_Operation Choke Point

What is your opinion on this subject?  Submit comments or contact Michael Brown of CAB Consulting at 214-293-8676, or via email at Michael@CreditAccessBusiness.com.

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Is the “Dallas Payday Loan Ordinance” for real?

Is the “Dallas Payday Loan Ordinance” for real?

by The CAB Man Texas on April 25, 2012

Wanted to get some dialogue going on the Dallas Payday Loan Ordinance, I have one client with stores in Dallas proper who I am looking at it with.  Talked with some other folks who have a position within city limits and also talked to City of Dallas, have a call into some council members as well.

Here’s what I know:

Last year the City of Dallas passed an ordinance that attempts to regulate Payday Loan businesses.  This was passed within a week of the Texas laws related to Credit Access Businesses, and at that time a trade group named CSAT which is comprised of several of the larger players in the market filed an injunction.  I have not been updated on the injunction since last July.   Dallas is moving forward and has licensed 20 businesses, another 18 are pending.

Some basics of the ordinance that supposedly went into effect on January 1:
-Get a permit, pay $50
-Cannot loan more than 20% of gross monthly income on Payday Loans
-Auto Title Loans cannot exceed 3% of gross annual income
-Installment programs no more than four payments, must paydown 25% of principle with each payment
-Refinances are limited to 3
-Loans made less than 7 days after a payoff are considered a refinance
-Max of $500 for violations

My opinion  along with many others is that the Dallas City Council / City of Dallas is exceeding their jurisdiction when citing restrictions on the ways in which a business can offer its products or services.  The OCCC has done an excellent job with implementing the new CAB program and they are well equipped to do so.   Dallas, ahem, not so much.


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