
The infamous and continuously failing Texas Payday Loan City Ordinance.

The infamous and continuously failing Texas Payday Loan City Ordinance.

by The CAB Man Texas on August 22, 2017

Since Texas cities began passing the infamous and continuously failing Texas Payday Loan City Ordinance there has been a decrease of 1,300 or so licensed locations inside the State.  According to the most recent OCCC licensee totals, this represents a 37% market shrink.  The results have been a shuttering of businesses in Texas, a loss of thousands jobs, a loss of real estate rents, and decrease in property tax revenues.  Rates have increased 12% in Ordinance cities and demand for unsecured short term credit has largely remained the same.  This is a cold hard truth that was laid out in City Council meetings when we were asking for a “No” vote on the Ordinance.  Is an “I told you so” in order here?

2017 has been a rough year for the Ordinance though, many cities are now bucking the trend and have voted the Ordinance down.  As well, the City of Austin got the double slam-dunk in their simultaneous loss to Speedy Cash and Advance America City Ordinance lawsuits in April.  Those two cases were around a year in the making I wonder if the taxpayers of Austin feel good about the time and expense the City put into an issue that results in a .000153% complaint to loan ratio for Texas residents?  I live in Austin and things are tight budget-wise in this City, despite all the stories you hear about growth it has some problems that should be commanding the attention of city leadership other than the payday industry.

So here comes the next whammee – I was reading over the OCCC’s 1st quarter MSA report for 2017 and it says that 10 of the 2,200 reporting licensees generated 33% of the single payment loan volume, and get this, those 10 licensees were OUT OF STATE!  As far as installment loans go in Texas, 16 OUT OF STATE licensees funded over 37% of the 271,189 installment loan and refinance transactions in the 1st quarter of 2017.  Yes, these are out of state online lending companies who are licensed to do business in Texas but are not within the jurisdiction of any City.  That makes them free to let the market decide and boy did the market ever decide.  On either of the products mentioned – the out of state licensee group was the largest “market” in Texas.  The next biggest markets down were Houston and Dallas but it wasn’t even close to the out of state operators.  Check out the report for yourself below.

Here is a link to the MSA report: http://occc.texas.gov/sites/default/files/uploads/reports/cab-q1-msa-2017.pdf

Imagine if the Payday Loan City ordinance did not force the closure of all of those locations in Texas!  All of that businss would be taking place here in Texas.  Kudos to the online guys who are meeting the need but for obvious reasons we need to work to get those customers back!  I bet the OCCC wishes they had that extra $800,000 per year in licensing revenue.  And how about that $300,000 per year in contributions to the Texas Educational Endowment fund that is now lost?

The full ugliness of the Payday Loan City Ordinance is now beginning to show in the light.  Please pass this information along to your City Council the next time this issue comes up in your market – we are positioned to deliver the facts to them quickly and efficiently so that they can have the full story and move on to the next issue which will be much more meaningful, no doubt!

This blog post was written by Michael Brown, President of CAB Consulting and the Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers.  He can be reached at 214-293-8676, or Michael@CreditAccessBusiness.com.

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The online marketplace is booming and the brick & mortar store must adjust by increasing web presence and using alternative data.

The online marketplace is booming and the brick & mortar store must adjust by increasing web presence and using alternative data.

by The CAB Man Texas on April 9, 2019

We have been hearing a lot lately about the continued decline of retail business in the US.  Zales and Jared jewelry retail stores are the latest to announce closures of hundreds of locations.

Online is booming and it seems like Amazon rules the world.  If your business does not have an online presence you are missing out on a lot of opportunity because your pure brick & mortar market is shrinking by the minute.  Consumers are evolving and many low to middle income consumers are willing to do more and more to get access to credit at crucial times.  How will you engage with this new dynamic?

Forbes.com featured an article that discusses how increased online markets are opening a consumer’s willingness to share their personal info online while also touting the strengths of today’s alternative data.  I included some excerpts below.

“People Are Plenty Willing To Share Personal Data To Get A Better Loan.”

  • New research suggests that people are surprisingly comfortable sharing their data as long as it’s being put to good use, especially in the world of lending.
  • A recent Harris Poll found a surprising consensus among American adults — 71% of those surveyed said they would be willing to share more personal data with a lender if it led to a fairer loan decision.
  • More significantly, the Harris Poll shows that the majority of consumers feel unfairly treated by the current system.  More than 80% of African-Americans and Hispanics – and 7 in 10 of all adults – say they wish there were a better way to prove themselves to lenders.
  • But in today’s era of large-scale data collection and unlimited computing power, the traditional credit score is showing signs of age and mathematical limitations.
  • Consider some of the things credit scoring excludes: your job history, your roots in your town and thousands of other bits of information that are left untapped. It’s no wonder 70% of people polled say it’s difficult to get financial institutions to see them as anything but a number between 300 and 850.
  • One-third of renters say credit scores have kept them from buying a home.   
  • Alternative data simply means anything that’s not included in calculating a traditional credit score. It could include timely utility payments, history of holding down a job, even large debts you had years ago (outside of the traditional credit score models) that you successful paid off.
  • Bringing that added data into the credit scoring decision creates a more nuanced picture of borrower risk, helping banks spot worthy borrowers further down the credit spectrum (and flagging troublesome borrowers who look good on paper).
  •  The Omidyar Foundation found that in the six biggest emerging economies, using more data and machine learning techniques can get as many as 580 million unbanked people into the financial mainstream.”

Many of us are using “alternative data” with Factor Trust and Microbilt (often referred to as “Credit Reporting Agencies” or “CRA’s”).  If you are not, get on it as soon as possible!  

Factor Trust was recently acquired by Trans Union, and another CRA “Clarity Services” was acquired by Experian awhile back. In the future hopefully that will mean better things for how CRA’s are utilized by our industry and will also mean more robust access to credit for consumers.”

This blog post was written by Michael Brown, President of CAB Consulting and the Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers.  He can be reached at 214-293-8676, or Michael@CreditAccessBusiness.com.

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Can CSO-CAB’s Offer Multi-Payment Auto Title Loans for more than 180 days?

Can CSO-CAB’s Offer Multi-Payment Auto Title Loans for more than 180 days?

by The CAB Man Texas on April 12, 2012

A client of mine and I are seeking opinions on the 180 day limit on CAB multi-payment auto title loans Per Texas Finance Code Chapter 393.201 (Form and Terms of Contract) and Chapter 393.001 (3).

Chapter 393.201 states that a credit service contract is between a CSO-CAB and a consumer, and that the services to be performed under that contract listed under 393.001 (3) must be completed within 180 days.  Many operators interpret this rule simply, and say “this means we can’t participate in multi-payment loans for more than 180 days.”

But, my client is thinking that the promissory note component of the contracts is between the Third Party Lender and the consumer, is not related to the rules just cited, and so 393.201 should not apply.

Why?  The client’s CSO-CAB services to the customer are almost all completed on day 1 of the loan.  After that such services as taking payments on the loan, forwarding the payments to the lender, and guaranteeing the loan, are services provided by the CSO-CAB to the lender, and not the consumer.  So, again 393.201 should not apply because these are not the service listed under 393.001 (3).  The service of assisting and obtaining loans for the consumer as per the credit service contract are done well within the 180 days.

#1 priority for client is to abide by the rule of the law…please provide your comments on this we are seeking OCCC and industry opinion.

There are many benefits to my client and the consumer for loan programs that are beyond 180 days.  Let’s dig a little on this.

As always, check in with Michael Brown via email at cabconbrokerage@gmail.com or call 214-293-8676.

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Credit Access Business rules for 2017 that you need to know!

Credit Access Business rules for 2017 that you need to know!

by The CAB Man Texas on January 13, 2017

New Technical Rules for 2017 you should be aware of.  Did you know there are new rules related to the application for new licenses, transferring a license, and criminal history of CAB owners?  Much of this was covered during CAB Consulting’s “CAB II” project that many clients and members took advantage of. 

*The language for rules and transfers removes the part mentioning that you need to wait on the OCCC’s approval to operate a CAB while the license is being transferred. The transformer assumes all responsibility of the license until the license has been transferred to the transferee. 

**Criminal History can affect license holders. This affects anyone with a State license from a concealed handgun license to a Credit Access Business license. In the eyes of Texas, it is a privilege to maintain a Texas license, and therefore license holders must be law abiding residents.  

Here are several areas of infraction that could compromise your CAB: 

Theft, assault, any offense that involves misrepresentation, deceptive practices or making false or misleading statements. 

Any offense that involves breach of trust or other fiduciary duty.

Any criminal violation of a statute governing credit transactions or debt collection. 

Failure to file a government report, filing a false report or tampering with a government record. 

Here is a link to the rules: http://occc.texas.gov/sites/default/files/uploads/pub/rules/cab-adoption-fc-010517.pdf 

This blog post was written by Michael Brown, President of CAB Consulting and the Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers.  He can be reached at 214-293-8676, or Michael@CreditAccessBusiness.com.

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