Another City Ordinance passes in Texas. (Canyon)

Another City Ordinance passes in Texas. (Canyon)

by The CAB Man Texas on February 10, 2017

Canyon, Texas

  • The City of Canyon, Texas has enacted a “Payday Loan” ordinance. Per News Channel 10 in Amarillo, the City Council of Canyon enacted the ordinance on Monday of this week. Canyon is located about 18 miles south of Amarillo and has a population of just over 13,000.  The City of Amarillo said many of their lenders left after they enacted the ordinance and this apparently prompted Canyon to follow suit.  Per the Texas Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner (“OCCC”), Canyon only has one active Credit Access Business “CAB”) license.  That CAB is “Texas Car Title & Payday Loan.”  With only (1) CAB for 13,000 people it can hardly be said that the market is saturated, in most markets there is about (1) CAB for every 5,000 in population.
  • There are roughly (40) cities in Texas with either a City Ordinance or zoning restrictions regarding the “Payday Loan” businesses. Here is a link to the Texas Municipal League’s website regarding “City Regulation of Payday and Auto Title Lenders.”

Link to article:

This blog post was written by Michael Brown, President of CAB Consulting and the Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers.  He can be reached at 214-293-8676, or

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CFPB Payday Loan Complaint volume continues to fall.

CFPB Payday Loan Complaint volume continues to fall.

by The CAB Man Texas on December 11, 2015

Each month the CFPB releases a complaint report that shows complaint volume by product.  The September, October, and November 2015 reports show that “payday loan” complaints were down by double digits when compared to the same period in 2014:

-12% over the same 3-month period of June-July-August 2014.

(September 2015 report:

-24% over the same 3-month period of July-August-September 2014.

(October 2015 report:

-20% over the same 3-month period of August-September-October 2014.

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Texas Payday Loan Businesses – Take a CAB!

Texas Payday Loan Businesses – Take a CAB!

by The CAB Man Texas on September 2, 2011

What is a CAB?  Well, if you are a payday loan business in Texas, it’s now you starting January 1, 2012.

The title CAB stands for Credit Access Business, and along with the name change comes many changes for payday loan businesses. The current CSO (Credit Services Organization) model will evolve next year thus transitioning all payday loan businesses into CABs, which requires these businesses to comply with new regulations. Understanding the new regulations is vital to continuing your payday loan business.

Licensing is one portion of the CAB transition. Under Texas House Bill 2594, which addresses the new licensing process, current CSOs will be required to attain a CAB license and will be subject to a thorough review.   Applicants will undergo reviews not just of their business operation, but also of the principals involved with the CAB’s whose personal and business background will be requested.

What else is included in the CAB licensing process? A new application and detailed reports must be submitted to the state and an approval must be obtained in order for current businesses to operate legally after January 1, 2012. In addition, all Texas payday loan businesses must file quarterly reports, with the first being due April 2012.  The reports will summarize the prior three months of transactions and will be reviewed by the OCCC (Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner), which is the new governing body of the industry in Texas.  This process is new, it is an unknown, and will take some thought.  Are you ready to take this on?  In addition to the day-to-day operations of your payday loan business, you must create a plan to ensure compliance with the OCCC, which is a big undertaking.

The good news? CAB Consulting and Brokerage understands all the details required for your payday loan business to transition from a CSO to a CAB.  They’ve been in the payday loan business since 2003 and have recently participated in the rule making process at the Capitol in Austin to ensure thorough understanding of the CAB model and to voice preferences and concerns about proposed rules.

Don’t get bogged down by the details – contact CAB Consulting and Brokerage at 214-293-8676.   Let them inform you, handle the details of your transition, and execute the process so you can continue to do business in Texas.

Check back in for details about the new notices and disclosures requirements under the new CAB regulations.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Randy Olson May 1, 2013 at 10:59 pm

could you please send me some info about how we go about getting a loan office for Pay Day type loans started ? What license and how to apply would we need for Kerrville, Texas? What type of rules do we need to follow for our loans and where do we get a example of the contracts?
Thank you for any help you can give us.
Randy Olson


admin August 10, 2013 at 7:43 am

Hi Randy,

Congrats on your new biz. We’ve got sample docs, forms, and know-how for this. My team is focused on Texas payday ans car title loans.

Call me at 214-293-8676 Michael


Don Dunlap August 9, 2013 at 2:33 pm

I am brand new at this business idea and would like start up consulting advice


Anonymous August 10, 2013 at 7:38 am

Give us a call,Don. PH# on my web site


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OCCC releases CAB Quarterly Report data for 3rd Quarter 2016

OCCC releases CAB Quarterly Report data for 3rd Quarter 2016

by The CAB Man Texas on December 5, 2016


The OCCC has released the CAB Quarterly Report data for 3rd Quarter 2016 – some of the highlights are below!
  • The average Payday Loan was $439 for single pay transactions and $557 for installment loan transactions.
  • The average Title Loan was $1,230 for single pay transactions and $1,008 for installment loan transactions.
  • The average CAB fee for Payday Loans was about $24 dollars per $100 borrowed on single payment transactions and $166 per $100 borrowed on installment transactions (which is about $14 per $100 every 14 days).
  • The average CAB fee for Title Loan was $17.13 per $100 borrowed on single pay transactions and $88 per $100 borrowed on installment loan transactions (which is about $17 dollars per 30 days).
If anyone is interested in looking at the reports for a specific Metropolitan Area such as comparing Dallas versus Houston or El Paso to Austin, that information is available in the “MSA” report see below!
This blog post was written by Michael Brown, President of CAB Consulting and the Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers.  He can be reached at 214-293-8676, or


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O.C.C.C. is requesting feedback on new Disclosure Forms

O.C.C.C. is requesting feedback on new Disclosure Forms

by The CAB Man Texas on November 18, 2011

The O.C.C.C. is asking for input on the new disclosure forms.  These forms will be provided to Credit Access Businesses for use as guides on how to properly convey compliant notices and disclosures to customers.   Both consumers and Credit Access Businesses are being tapped for feedback.

View the forms by going to this link

You can provide feedback directly to the O.C.C.C. or if you would like to send comments through me please do so and I will forward them on.  I have been taking questions from both clients and non-clients, providing them with information that I possess, and have been asking questions to the O.C.C.C. about the application as well.  Glad to keep doing it, the more feedback we get the better.  As business owners who are directly dealing with our customers we have an opportunity to shape the rules by providing our opinions based on our experience.  The team at the O.C.C.C. is flexible, and is seeking exactly this kind of input.  It’s a great opportunity let’s hear what you have to say!

Please send your questions and comments to Michael Brown at or call 214-293-8676.

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Update on Senate Bill 1247

Update on Senate Bill 1247

by The CAB Man Texas on March 21, 2013

As of yesterday it looks like Senator John Carona’s Senate Bill 1247 is going to need some additional tweaks to get support from advocates and the payday industry in Texas. Much of the bill has components that are acceptable in the eyes of the payday industry, however there is one rule that would be particularly damaging to small business owners, and that’s the “only one loan” rule.

The bill says that a consumer may have only 1 payday loan out and 1 auto title loan out at any given time with a CAB in Texas. This rule will not allow a consumer to go out and get a lower priced loan, it will decrease competition in the marketplace, and it ultimately result in consumers taking out larger loans than they currently do today. And the big kicker – THEY WILL JUST GET A LOAN ON THE INTERNET IF THEY CANNOT GET ANOTHER ONE FROM A TEXAS CAB!

Imagine this scenario: on Monday a consumer realizes they need to get an advance on their paycheck. The consumer happens to be in Ft. Worth for work, so he/she goes to a local Payday store and completes a quick cash advance. The consumer qualifies for up to $500 but they only need $200 so they take out only $200. Then, later that week one of his/her children falls down at school in Dallas and needs stitches on their chin, the co-pay at urgent care is $150, so they need another $150 cash advance so ideally they would go down the street from their house in Dallas where they live to get it. But, the cannot do this under the “only one loan” rule. The “only one loan” rule would force the consumer to drive back to Ft. Worth 35 miles through traffic where they do not live and get the additional $150 advanced to them from that one location where they are now committed to exclusively. That would be an absurd thing to imagine and it is what will result with a rule like this. So instead what the consumer will do is grab their smart phone out of their pocket, pull up Google, and search for “payday loan.” Thousands of results will pop up on the screen and the consumer will have the $150 deposited in their bank account the next morning by an Indian Tribe payday loan company out of Montana. What just happened in that scenario is the “only one loan” rule failed, the consumer got the loan anyway, and Senate Bill 1247 resulted in a loss of revenue for a Texas business. The “only one loan” rule will result in store closings, and Texas will lose jobs. In the end it will not curb consumer use. This rule has been employed in Florida and Washington with those exact results – look it up or call me to discuss.

The reality that many consumer advocates cannot get their heads around is that if all Credit Access Businesses were to close up shop in Texas, it would not result in consumers being protected more. The consumer would go to the internet and get a loan from a non-Texas business. Many of the internet payday lenders offering services to Texans would be Indian Tribes who are unregulated and unlicensed. So, what’s the point? If closing down the industry and causing Texans to lose their jobs while sending business outside the state lines is your goal – then put the “only one loan” rule into action.

What consumer advocates need to address is that the payday industry is a by-product of consumer need. It is not a shiny toy that evil-doers invented in a back alley to take advantage of low income minorities. Payday industry leaders are serving a need and help many consumers in a positive way each day. The members of the CAB Consulting lobbying group and CSAT are willing to work with Senator Carona on many of the measures in the latest version of Senate Bill 1247. Aside from the “only one loan” rule the bill would be acceptable for most CABs in Texas, and it would put in place additional structure that makes sense to a certain degree if we “have to” have it.

Consumer advocates proved yesterday in the Senate Business & Commerce Committee Hearing that they will never be satisfied, and that their argument is based on emotion. What is at risk if you are their group is that no bill will pass at all. In Texas, Senators and House Representatives are intelligent business minded people. If the consumer advocates don’t stay focused on the realities of business and the consumer need, they will lose the attention of lawmakers and they will end up having to wait until the next legislative session in 2015 to be a part of the conversation again.

If Senate Bill 1247 is going to have a chance, let’s shape it by keeping only the measures that provide meaningful structure to the loan products. As a guiding rule – let’s make sure that Texas businesses can keep their doors open and that competition dictates programs being offered. If a rule in a bill cannot pass that test then it should not be in the bill.

Michael Brown of CAB Consulting testified at the Senate Business & Commerce Committee Hearing on March 19th and conveyed many of the points above. If you would like to speak with him about any of these issues he may be reached at 214-293-8676, or via email at

Click here for a PDF of the latest version of SB 1247! SB.1247.Updated.March.19th

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Jer at Trihouse Consulting March 24, 2013 at 11:55 pm

Micheal, you make excellent points here. The Texas legislature will not successfully enforce the “1 loan” rule. If China, North Korea and Iraq cannot contain their digital borders, what chance does Texas have? Zip… nada… none. Additionally, would Texas implement a border enforcement program with TX agents searching for loan documents in vehicles crossing the state border?

What’s next for Texans, 1 credit card? One insurance policy? Then one Starbucks/day because they make Texans chubby?

Finally, why attck payday and car title lenders. Did you hear what former Providan Bank exec. Mehta said about the “underbanked?”

“Because none of you are smart enough,” concludes Mehta. “You make the stupid laws and I’ll comply and I’ll make money. . . . There are always some desperate people who will take the product. Lending money to people is never a difficult exercise. OK? People will take money if you’re willing to give it to them.”

I think General Patton said it best, “NUTS!”

Jer – Trihouse


admin March 24, 2013 at 11:59 pm

Jer, thanks for the positive feedback. My Team and I at will stay on top of this and immediately inform all of those interested parties via our free Newsletter:


Martin March 25, 2013 at 12:11 am

Thank you, Texas! We are offshore payday loan and car title lenders. We sincerely appreciate all the new business you’ll be sending to us via the internet :o)


admin March 25, 2013 at 12:12 am

“This will not stand.”


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House Bill 886

House Bill 886

by The CAB Man Texas on March 5, 2013

This bill, authored by Anchia and is “relating to restrictions in connection with motor vehicle title loans that a Credit Access Business obtains for a consumer or assists a consumer in obtaining.” The bill starts with a recommended limit on auto title loan amounts. CAB’s and Third Party Lenders would be required to limit the amount of a loan to “70% of retail value” of the vehicle. This seems very acceptable, many CABs are operating off more strict criteria right now. And, if a single payment auto title loan is re-financed, there must be an additional payment of at least 5% of the principal, in addition to the interest & fees due. The requirement of a pay down towards principal addressing the “cycle of debt” issue. The bill goes on to say that even if the customer does not make the required pay down, the CAB fees must adjust down as if the customer made the 5% pay down. If the customer does default, the note can still be called due if operator/third party lender desire. Multi-payment loans would need to be fully amortizing, with declining principal, with close to equal payments. If early payoff occurs, pre-computed CAB fees would have to be refunded as un-earned. That’s an important item to make note of, loan terms and CAB fees would need to be carefully considered when CABs are adapting their model to new rules and regulations. Would go into effect 9-1-2013.

Click here for a PDF version of HB 886! HB.886

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Customer Benefit Programs – Get Competitive!

Customer Benefit Programs – Get Competitive!

by The CAB Man Texas on September 27, 2011

Payday loan businesses both large and small are doing a lot of things right, profits are strong and many have a very positive outlook.

But, what more can be done to improve the customer’s experience with your company?  Are payday businesses taking stock in what really matters to their customers beyond just the loan transaction?

Where is the customer going after they leave you?  What is going to be done with the money?  Just about all you need to know can be learned by following the trail before and after they come to see you.

Once you have studied customer behaviors, how about taking that knowledge and investing it in programs that are custom tailored to those pathways?  Create a full suite of customer programs that target the issues that cause customers to need your service in the first place. Then compliment that with programs aimed at your customer’s journey after they leave your store.

Examples of programs that might fit this mold: in-store instant bill payment, ATM, internet access for customers, credit improvement, debt consolidation, fax machine usage, rewards programs, gas cards, gift cards, lottery tickets, coupons, text communications, job boards, resume services, child care, health care services, legal representation, etc.

Seek relationships with 3rd party companies who have partner, referral, or affiliate programs.  You will not just be providing additional benefits to your customers, but you can also generate some serious revenue.  These companies are out there, I know of many and they are working hard every day to get involved with our industry.

Trusted payday lenders are uniquely positioned to improve the lives of their customers and a well organized array of programs will only further that value.  It will make your business competitive, interesting, and maybe even cool!  Think about the positive impact that will have on new customer flow, referrals, and bad debt…

There is a lot of legwork that goes into finding the right programs, and ideal 3rd party vendors.  C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage does have existing relationships in these areas, if you would like to discuss options and learn more, email Michael at or call 214-293-8676.

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Information for Texas CSO’s on Credit Access Business licensing

Information for Texas CSO’s on Credit Access Business licensing

by The CAB Man Texas on September 13, 2011

There’s decent list of new requirements that the Texas CSO needs to know about when they are applying for their new Credit Access Business license this fall.  Substantial input has been provided by many CSO’s in Texas as far as the new rules go, and recently I attended two stakeholder meetings in Austin at the Capitol Building to contribute my thoughts.

In the past I have not been to such a meeting and so I was all ears. At the beginning I wasn’t sure if the atmosphere was going to be contentious, if the members of the Finance Committee were going to be friendly, or if they were truly seeking input. I have heard of some heated confrontations on the House floor so I was kind of expecting the same. But, it was actually very co-operative, and the stakeholder input was asked for more often than it was given believe it or not.

From a high level – the OCCC is going to dig a little deeper this time around and take a close look at both sides of your business model versus your prior CSO application. Information about owners all the way down to 5% may be asked for, and they want important information for the lender as well.  Reports are going to need to be submitted quarterly, there are new ways that you must disclose information to consumers, and certain procedures will be required that have not been mentioned before.  And, there’s going to be several more fees charged to the licensee.

All in all, the forum in Austin was warm, and the word “flexible” was used often by the OCCC board members.  An example of the OCCC listening to stakeholder input and their being flexible was in regards to the request for Credit Access Businesses to provide their contract forms with their CAB application. This request was met with concern, the concern was expressed, and as a result the documents will not be required with the application.

October 21 is the next date CSO’s need to be aware of – OCCC will be firming up proposed rules and rules changes.  I will keep everyone posted on my blog – looking forward to your return.

Questions?  Feel free to call me! Michael Brown at C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage (214-293-8676).


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Luis g Garcia May 21, 2013 at 4:40 am

I need info about the CAB licence what the cost you charge for this license I ready to open Mr title loans and pay day loans en eagle pass tx but I need you help to fix the premises or licenses


admin August 10, 2013 at 7:41 am

214-293-8676 call us first for an exploratory call


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