Investment Opportunities in the Payday Loan Industry

Investment Opportunities in the Payday Loan Industry

by The CAB Man Texas on September 23, 2011

With over 3,000 registered payday loan businesses and an overall population of 25 million people, Texas represents one of the most prolific markets for payday lenders in the industry.

Not only that, but there are many large metropolitan clusters in Texas surrounding the large cities Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio.  There’s a saying in Texas that when the weather is hot, there’s nothing else to do but shop and eat. A typical street corner in Dallas has at least two banks and two fast food restaurants, so consumers are invited to get money and spend money just about every waking moment. Texas highways and byways are set up to prime the capitalistic consumer engine and breed success in the retail business. Intercity freeways are gigantic advertising corridors for anyone who wants to hang out their shingle, making this market a hotbed for business owners.

One such business that has been the beneficiary of that formula is the payday loan industry.  What formerly was a little known product based in check cashing stores or pawn shops, has grown into a professional, regulated, and mainstream industry.  In 2010, it was at $40 billion.

With all the instability in traditional cornerstone investments like the stock market and real estate, many investors have taken a look at the payday loan industry as an option.  The industry is tuned to adapt to the idiosyncrasies of the cash strapped, credit challenged consumer.  Payday loan businesses were built by adapting to many of the problems that Wall Street cannot.

Are you looking for something new?  Are you growing weary of the daily picture that CNN shows you of the beleaguered NYSE trader looking down at his desk after yet another hard plummet of the market?

Consider becoming a lender in the Texas payday loan business.  Reach out to C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage if you would like to look into it.  We would be happy to tell you what we know and connect you with businesses looking for people such as yourself with money to invest.

Contact C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage at or call us at 214.293.8676.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

steve July 6, 2013 at 9:08 am

I own and run a small property brokerage and I have heard there are some excellent opportunities to offer investment into payday loan funding. Is it possible to send me some details, and any details of commissions that would be payable.




Anonymous August 10, 2013 at 7:37 am

Certainly Steve. Returns of 12% – 18% are conceivable depending on a number of factors. Lots of issues to consider. lets explore…



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CFPB and Mick Mulvaney focusing in on Debt Collectors

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CFPB and Mick Mulvaney focusing in on Debt Collectors

by The CAB Man Texas on March 29, 2018

It was in the news over the last 24 hours that Mick Mulvaney and the CFPB will be centering their focus on Debt Collectors who have traditionally been in the #1 position, as far as complaints go.  For over two years, it was discussed by the payday industry that our group was, month after month, year after year, the industry with the biggest drops in complaint percentages.
The question was always asked, “Why would the CFPB invest so much time on an industry where the complaints are decreasing and are at a much lower level than many others?” Now that we have a level headed individual heading up the CFPB, we are beginning to see some very practical moves being made to re-focus the CFPB’s priorities around the source of the biggest complaints.  Along with that, it does appear that the CFPB is loosening its focus on the so called “payday loan industry.”  That is a good thing for Texans. The Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner is an experienced agency that is more than capable of regulating our space in Texas.
Here are some direct quotes from the Wall Street Journal piece:
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will team up with the Federal Trade Commission to police debt collectors as it shifts to a gentler form of enforcement under the Trump administration.
Mick Mulvaney sees debt collection as an enforcement priority
because the CFPB gets many consumer complaints about that industry, even as the bureau begins to ease its grips on other sectors such as payday lending.
ACA International, a trade association of debt collectors, “welcomes the news of close coordination between the CFPB and FTC,” a spokeswoman said. “We endorse the efforts of the CFPB and the FTC to target bad actors who engage in unlawful debt collection practices.”
“In 2016, almost a third of the complaints into this office related to debt collection. Only 0.9% related to prepaid cards and 2% to payday lending. Data like that should, and will, guide our actions,” Mr. Mulvaney wrote.

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Some clues as to what the CFPB might initially be focused on as they wade into the Payday Industry

Some clues as to what the CFPB might initially be focused on as they wade into the Payday Industry

by The CAB Man Texas on April 11, 2014

Today my good friend Max Wood at Borrow Smart Alabama shared the CFPB Blog of Ballard Spahr LLP, called the “CFPB Monitor.” Max and Borrow Smart are at the forefront of the CFPB issue and his compliance efforts via Borrow Smart alongside Ballard Spahr have been way ahead of the curve.

As the CFPB evolves we get clues along the way of what might be expected. On April 7, 2014 CFPB General Counsel Meredith Fuchs released some clues in reference to several of the industry areas the CFPB is looking at, and of importance to Credit Access visitors, she made reference to “payday lending.” See below for an excerpt from Ballard Spahr’s CFPB Monitor Blog:

“Turning to payday lending, Fuchs cited the recent CFPB report in explaining that the CFPB remains concerned with consumers’ sustained use of short-term, small dollar loan products, the amortization of these products and the use of these products by the elderly and others that depend on fixed government benefits. While Fuchs vacillated on the specific timing for payday lending rule-making, she did indicate that the CFPB would continue to aggressively police the ACH, lead generators and other “choke points” that payday lenders rely upon to reach consumers. Given that the CFPB does not intend to commission any further studies analyzing the benefits of payday loans, we anticipate that the proposed rule will impose rigid, arbitrary limits on numerous payday loan features.”

It will be interesting to see how these fundamentals are addressed in the rules that eventually get put into effect. Many operators I know would agree that balanced and reasonable regulation that address the named concerns above.

Contact Michael Brown of CAB Consulting if you have comments or questions. Call 214-293-8676, or email!

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Strong job market could mean small employers are getting “ghosted” how can you prevent it?

Strong job market could mean small employers are getting “ghosted” how can you prevent it?

by The CAB Man Texas on July 24, 2019

This week an interesting article came out in Fox Business (written in Motley Fool) titled “4 reasons hourly workers reject jobs – and what to do about them.”   Many of small business owners in Texas could be seeing a rise in the so-called millennial generation phenomenon of “ghosting.” According to the Urban Dictionary “Ghosting” means the shutdown/ceasing of communication with someone without notice.  Check it out:  

In the cases where Ghosting occurs, it starts with a “no show” of usually a newer hire within the first week or two of employment.  The ghosting employee does not call, text, or email that they have quit the job.  Also they either turn off their phone or block your phone number and send you straight to voicemail when you try and call.  It is truly a strange and often occurring phenomenon…gone are the days when someone has the personal honor to at least let someone know that you have abandoned a job so they can make arrangements to run their business.  C’mon kids!  

In these boom times in the Texas job market it is likely that the new hire knows they can walk into just about any local service business of their choosing and get a new job that day.  The article shares four approaches that could help our payday loan, title loan, and cash advance business owners in Texas to address the problem, very glad to share!  

“1. Location

Workers want a short, convenient commute.  When interviewing, the person wants the job at the time and will not be considering how inconvenient a long commute might be.  Do some thinking for them and consider how long that drive is before you hire them, and they ghost you on day 3 because the drive it too long.

2. Scheduling

These days, workers want the option to choose their own hours and uphold a schedule that fits into their lives. If you’re too rigid with your schedule, you may lose out on talent that could otherwise serve your business well.   Many of us have set store hours but varying things in terms of who opens and closes from week to week could be an option.  But when there’s room for flexibility, it pays to offer it.

3. Job function

Nobody wants to sign up for a boring job, or one whose daily tasks seem glaringly unpleasant. In today’s competitive job market, hourly workers can afford to be more choosey about how they spend their days, so if you’re looking to fill some positions that are heavy on grunt work, you may need to rethink those roles and find ways to incorporate some more appealing tasks into the mix.  

4. Pay

It stands to reason that hourly workers would rather earn more money than less. And in some cases, a small bump in pay could spell the difference between attracting talent versus having your job offers rejected. To this end, review your compensation strategy and make sure the hourly wages you’re dishing out are on par with your competition. If they’re not, you may need to shift some resources to pay your workers better.

The right hourly workers can add a lot of value to your business, and not having to pay on a salary basis means that you, as an employer, get more flexibility with regard to how much those employees cost you.

But the last thing you want to do is spin your wheels in an effort to attract and keep hourly workers, so if you’ve been struggling to hire or keep your team members, keep the above points in mind. In many cases, being a bit more generous, creative, and flexible could help you grow your staff and get your business the support it needs to thrive.”

Here is a link to The Motley Fool / Fox Business article cited above:

This blog post was written by Michael Brown, President of CAB Consulting and the Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers.  He can be reached at 214-293-8676, or

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Pursuing or Threatening Criminal Charges

Pursuing or Threatening Criminal Charges

by The CAB Man Texas on October 17, 2013

Frequently the topic of pursuing or threatening criminal charges against a customer who has defaulted on a loan via a Non-Sufficient Funds check or ACH debit comes up as I work with CAB Consulting clients. My understanding has always been that unless the customer is guilty of outright fraud that you cannot pursue criminal charges, go to Sherrif’s hot check division, etc. “Outright fraud” would be an umbrella term for forgery, fraud, theft, or other criminal conduct.

On October 14th, the OCCC released an Advisory Bulletin on this subject that makes some important clarifications. OCCC noted that there must be specific evidence of criminal conduct, intent to commit a criminal act, the consumer must have knowingly or intentionally violated criminal law, and that these criteria would need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Pursuing consumers who did not exhibit any of these behaviors would be a violation of Texas Finance Code and the Texas debt Collection Act.

NSF checks and NSF ACH debit returns simply are not something we can pursue criminal charges on. If the OCCC feels this issue is worthy of an Advisory Bulletin then I am confident that research of this activity will be added to the examination checklist.

See below for a link to the Advisory Bulletin. As always, feel free to call or email Michael Brown at CAB Consulting. 214-293-8676 or


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Operator Alert: Tell employees to pay extra close attention to cash in store

Operator Alert: Tell employees to pay extra close attention to cash in store

by The CAB Man Texas on December 6, 2016

There is some funny money making the rounds in Abilene and the East Texas region.  There were two incidents recently that were uncovered.  The way money usually works is that it will circulate in a region so I want to make sure everyone is upping the amount of attention put towards identifying counterfeit bills.

Incident #1: Fake ‘movie’ money used at movie theater and other Abilene businesses (KTXS News).

Abilene police are investigating a case they hope will have a Hollywood ending.  APD’s Fraud Unit says suspects have made purchases at more than 20 local businesses using counterfeit bills made specifically for use in the movies. Ironically, one of the places that accepted the funny money was a movie theater.


Incident #2:  Movie money found in East Texas.  (Longview Journal)

There have been additional news articles on the use of the counterfeit “movie” money in East Texas as well.  The Longview Journal posted an article that the “movie” money has been reported in other parts of East Texas such as: Lufkin, Diboll, and Jasper.


This blog post was written by Michael Brown, President of CAB Consulting and the Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers.  He can be reached at 214-293-8676, or

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Credit Access Business License Application to be released any day.

Credit Access Business License Application to be released any day.

by The CAB Man Texas on October 26, 2011

I attended the Friday, October 21, 2011 O.C.C.C. Finance Commission meeting in Austin. The licensing rules were voted on and adopted. I was able to speak with Commissioner Leslie Pettijohn briefly and she told me that the Credit Access Business License applications could be released this week.

Today is Wednesday and so far no application, so let’s be on the lookout the next two days.  January 1, 2012 is just over 2 months away and it will be here before we know it.

I am ready, and have begun helping a number of new and existing Texas CSO’s in their preparation for next year.  C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage clients are engaging the process head-on, and have positioned themselves to become stellar examples of compliant Credit Access Businesses in 2012.   If your business needs guidance or you have questions feel free to check in with me via email on telephone.

As soon as the application is released I will let clients, subscribers, and site visitors know.  Talk back soon!

To contact Michael Brown at C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage, email or call 214-293-8676.

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Credit Access Business License Update

Credit Access Business License Update

by The CAB Man Texas on October 13, 2011

The O.C.C.C. is getting very close to releasing the Credit Access Business License application. It could be another 7 to 10 days, if so that may be Friday, October 21, 2011.

The next O.C.C.C. Finance Committee meeting also happens to be on Friday, October, 21st 2011. In the meeting the “Consumer Disclosure Form for Credit Access Businesses” will be presented along with its accompanying rules. I was recently updated and given a sample document which illustrates some of the disclosures that will be required for a single payment payday loan. There will also be other versions and sample documents released for multiple payment payday loans, single payment auto title loans, and multiple payment auto title loans.

See below for a link to the document – take a look and tell me what you think. Again, this is only one sample and it is not for use in operations. Do you have any comments you wish to make about the disclosure form? Do you feel like this is too much information? Can you easily work this into your process? after you post your comments I will relay them to the Finance Committee.


Submit comments to me via email at

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The devil is in the details

The devil is in the details

by The CAB Man Texas on February 27, 2017

Check your work!  Last week my team and I released a blog about Carlos Uresti, a San Antonio based Senator whose offices had been raided by the FBI.  We happened to know that a politician by the name of Uresti in the San Antonio area had also written a bill that would attempt to “cap” all finance charges on Credit Access Business payday, installment, and auto title loans to 25% of the amount borrowed.  Being that I am a rabid defender of our CAB clients, I sprang on the name “Uresti” immediately and assumed he was the same man who had written the bill – which was House Bill 1733.

We made two mistakes on the blog post.  First, State Rep. Tomas Uresti wrote House Bill (“HB”) 1733 and Carlos Uresti did not.  Second, we should have known that a Senator would not write a “House Bill” because they are not in the “House,” they are in the Senate!    This was one day that our team totally messed up on the details – the blame is on me.

These errors were sharply pointed out to me and we pulled down the post right away.  We have a lot of people reading our posts and people count on us to relay information.  It is important to make sure we get them right. This oversight is a fresh reminder that the good old fashioned saying “the devil is in the details” is alive and well.

This blog post was written by Michael Brown, President of CAB Consulting and the Texas Organization of Financial Service Centers.  He can be reached at 214-293-8676, or

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C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage – Michael Brown

C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage – Michael Brown

by The CAB Man Texas on September 8, 2011

Michael Brown of C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage has recently stepped away from operating the payday loan business he started in 2003 to begin working with Texas CSO’s as they become “CAB’s” or Credit Access Businesses. Michael has made it a priority to learn as much as there is to know about the rules that Credit Access Businesses will be asked to abide by starting in 2012, and he wants to share that information with you. From there, it is his goal to begin laying the groundwork for your business’s transition, and a long term relationship.

Ultimately C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage has the goal of meeting your needs beyond Compliance. Can we help you raise Capital? Do you want to sell off your collections portfolios? We will also fight against government regulations and negative public perception. C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage wants the passage of the Credit Access Business laws to signify the beginning of the newest and best chapter in the life cycle of your company. Contact Michael and let him share with you how he envisions making that happen. Reach him directly at 214-293-8676, or via email at

Focus Areas:

Licensing – if you are a CSO in Texas you are going to need a new license. Do you want to know what C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage knows and do you want help getting a new Credit Access Business license?

Compliance – there are several new requirements that you need to be aware of in the way of disclosures to customers, and notices to customers. Do you want to know what they are and have you thought about getting assistance with implementing the necessary changes? (step-by-step planning, store and website corrections, owner training, and employee training)

Capital – do you need Capital for growth? Do you need a third party lender? C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage has at least two parties that want to fund loans through your CSO / CAB – right now!

Collections – C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage is allied with a very effective Collections company and they would like to have a chance to collect on some of your bad debt, or just buy it from you outright.

Association – C.A.B. is launching an Association for small to mid-size payday loan business owners that will be unlinke anything that has been done before.

Community Action – the Association will battle negative public perception, impact potential negative legislation, and make contributions to community in the form of education and money.

Competition – the Association’s programs will help consumers with more than just loans. An array of innovative programs will give your customers the opportunity to help themselves, make processes more convenient, and help consumers feel better about the relationship they have with their payday lender.

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