

Collections and Bad Debt Portfolio Sales

  • C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage has relationships with master servicers of Payday Loan receivables
  • We can work with you to either place Collections files with 3rd party agencies or broker deals to sell your bad debt portfolios.
  • C.A.B. Consulting and Brokerage will work alongside your company to optimize the amount of time you hold onto a file after it defaults.
  • Optimizing your approach to files after they default can save time and money, and free your organization up to focus on good loans and acquiring customers.
  • Bad debt portfolios in most states and and from online and retail lenders are considered for purchase.
  • The typical price range for purchases is 3.5 to 10 cents on the dollar.
  • Age, data quality, and prior collections history are the most significant factors that influence on price.